Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Good News/Skin Cancer Awareness Month

I had my scans last Thursday and Friday, and once again, I'm all clear! I had a lot less "scanxiety" this time, I just knew that everything was fine and I didn't stress. I had my 5th treatment of ipi and so far, still no side effects. 

Today is May 1st, and it marks the first day of Skin Cancer Awareness Month. A lot of those affected by melanoma prefer to think of it as Melanoma Awareness Month, and I kind of do too, but although melanoma is the worst, all types of skin cancer can be bad! At the very least, skin cancers require an excision, and depending on the depth and where it's located, this can be disfiguring, and of course, at its worst, skin cancer can cause death. In between, there's multiple surgeries, biopsies, radiation and drug treatment, etc. 

During the month of May, I'm going to try to post more often about different types of skin cancer and things about melanoma. I think it's great timing since it's the start of bathing suit season and I've already cringed at seeing posts on Facebook about being sunburned - and cringed at my own sunburn after being outside without enough sunscreen! So let's take care of our skin and ourselves this year!

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